Starbucks has one of the most recognizable logos in the world. It’s also one of the most confusing. Most people rely on their vague knowledge of Greek mythology to identify the female figure in the logo as a mermaid.

You might want to know more about the story of the Starbucks mermaid mermaid – why was she chosen to feature in the logo? What is she holding? What does it symbolize? We share your curiosity and have decided to investigate the matter. Here’s what we found!

What is Starbucks Siren in 2024?

The figure on the Starbucks logo is a two-tailed mermaid and not a mermaid in 2024. She was chosen for the Starbucks logo to represent the Seattle maritime and coffee associations. Most of the coffee sold by Starbucks reaches the United States via container ships. Additionally, mermaids are considered seductive, making them a metaphor for coffee.

If you want to learn more about the Starbucks mermaid and the history of the logo, keep reading. You’ll find everything you need to know here!

Is Starbucks Girl a mermaid?

The female figure on the Starbucks logo with her recognizable wavy braids and twin tails is one of the best-known corporate symbols in the world.

Most people misidentified her as a mermaid, although Starbucks spokespeople over the years were careful to point out that she was in fact a mermaid.

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A mermaid is also a mythical sea creature and, like the mermaid, is part beautiful woman and part fish.

However, unlike mermaids, mermaids have two tails and a more hostile attitude towards humans.

Why is the Starbucks symbol a mermaid?

First of all, as we saw above, the woman in the Starbucks symbol is a mermaid, not a siren.

The official version of how a mythical sea creature ended up becoming the symbol of Starbucks is that it represents Starbucks’ maritime associations and its city of origin, Seattle.

Additionally, the mermaid represents the allure of distance and enchantment. Coffee, too, reaches the United States from distant shores, mainly by container ships.

Additionally, the appeal of coffee is undoubtedly the basis of Starbucks’ success.

What does the mermaid at Starbucks mean?

Why the founders of Starbucks chose a mermaid as their symbol is one of those oddities of history, much like the company name itself.

Starbucks was named after the First Mate on the Pequod, the ship hunting the mythical white whale in the novel Moby Dick.

To continue the maritime associations, the three original founders of Starbucks – Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl and Gordon Bowker – were looking for an image for the logo.

That’s when they came across a 16th-century Nordic woodcut of a mermaid in a book, and something in the image told them about a global coffee retail chain.

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The Starbucks logo has changed over the years, but the one constant element is the image of the mermaid, even though its appearance has been changed.

In 2011, the lettering with the words « Starbucks Coffee » was removed and the logo became just the mermaid with her crown.

What is Mermaid Starbucks Holding?

What is Mermaid Starbucks Holding?

To some people it looks like the Starbucks mermaid is holding something in her hands, but that’s just a bit of confusion generated by the design.

In fact, these are the ends of its two tails, curled up on either side of its body.

Does the Starbucks mermaid have a name?

The Starbucks mermaid does not have a personal name. She is simply “the mermaid”.

Some people have confused her with Melusine, another mythical creature that is half woman, half water serpent.

However, Melusine was said to live in rivers and streams rather than the sea.

Mélusine shared with mermaids the habit of luring unlucky humans into the water with her song.

What is the difference between a mermaid and a siren?

An ordinary member of the public would have a hard time telling you the difference between a mermaid and a siren.

However, any student of Greek mythology knows that these are completely separate creatures.

For one, mermaids only have one tail, while mermaids have two tails, or one tail split in two at the end. In addition, their attitude towards humans is different.

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Probably the most famous mermaid in modern history is the Little Mermaid from Hans Christian Andersen’s story.

Immortalized by Disney, little Ariel loved humans and wanted nothing more than to walk on dry land and be loved in return by a human prince. The story does not end well.

Mermaids, however, have a more sinister aspect.

They are known for their beautiful song, which attracts sailors to steer their ships to rocky shores in stormy seas. It’s another tragic ending.

The difference is that with the mermaids, it is the humans who meet an unhappy end.

Medieval Christianity eventually took over much of the mythology, and mermaids were also seen as seductive and dangerous.

To learn more, you can also read our articles on Starbucks Pink Drink, Starbucks sweetened matcha and Starbucks steamers.


As you would expect from such an intriguing image, it has a fascinating story to match. The Starbucks mermaid symbolizes the maritime associations of Seattle and coffee, as well as the lure of distant shores.

Despite these rather obscure associations, the Starbucks mermaid has become one of the most recognized logos in the world.

Visit Les Gourmandises for more information.

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